Voyager Sopris Learning EDVIEW360 Blog Series
Recent Blog Posts
Mary Dahlgren
Dr. Mary Dahlgren
Author and Literacy Expert
Implementing a Sound Wall: Because We Need to Distinguish Between Sounds and Letters
May 20, 2020

Sound walls are becoming more common in classrooms thanks to a clearer understanding of the science of reading. We need to understand why a sound wall is set up differently than an A–Z alphabetical word wall and how to use a sound wall effectively to elevate daily instruction during Tier 1 by reviewing the 44 speech sounds and the options for spelling each of the sounds.

  • Literacy
  • Phonemic Awareness
  • Science of Reading
Pam Kastner, Ed.D
Dr. Pam Kastner
Educational Consultant at the Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network (PaTTAN) Harrisburg
Phonological 'PH'oundations: Clarifying the Essential 'PH' terms to Maximize Instruction
May 14, 2020

In the years since the National Reading Panel (NRP, 2000) identified essential components for teaching reading and likely long before, the “PH” terms, phonemic awareness and phonics have often been confused, conflated, and used interchangeably. Yet it is essential to have a common language and a deep understanding of each of these terms to maximize instruction.

  • Literacy
  • Phonemic Awareness
  • Reading Instruction
Natalie Wexler
Natalie Wexler
Education Writer and Author
An Easy Way To Help Kids Learn At Home: Turn On The Captions
May 6, 2020

A new organization is pushing for children’s TV and video programs to automatically display captions to boost literacy. It’s an easy thing to do, and it has even more research behind it than advocates realize.

  • Literacy
  • Remote Learning
Dr. Kelly A. Powell-Smith
Dr. Kelly A. Powell-Smith
Mount St. Joseph University
Using Data to Improve Student Outcomes in the Context of COVID-19
April 22, 2020

The circumstances in which we find ourselves as educators at this moment call for flexible and reflective thinking about the goals toward which we might aim and the goals that we might set for our students. I believe we will need to adjust our goals, and likely readjust them again at a later time. Ultimately, this means we will need to be flexible with expectations.

  • Assessment
  • COVID Slide
  • COVID-19
  • Remote Learning
Dr. Leslie Laud
Reading, Writing, and Assessment Specialist
What Works in the Teaching of Writing?
March 25, 2020

Writing well can be taught. While teachers may hold a clear vision for how they would like their students to write, getting students to produce effective and beautiful writing independently can remain elusive. Teaching students how to self-regulate when writing dramatically lifts not just the quality of writing, but overall literacy.

  • ELA
  • Elementary
  • secondary
  • Writing
Voyager Sopris Learning Icon
Voyager Sopris Learning
The Reading, Writing, and Math Intervention Specialist
During School Closures, We Can Help
March 19, 2020

To help you make the most of time away from the classroom, we have created a special page where you can download activities, use trial versions of resources, and find a vast library of authoritative content, including webinars, blogs, and podcasts—all of which can be accessed for free, at any time.

  • Distance Learning
  • Literacy
  • Math
  • Remote Learning