For years, much time and effort has been spent by district and state leaders across the country to help educators understand the science of reading to improve educational outcomes for students.

For years, much time and effort has been spent by district and state leaders across the country to help educators understand the science of reading to improve educational outcomes for students.
The 2000 National Reading Panel (NRP) subpanel report about phonics instruction received a great deal of attention, for at least one important reason.
The science of reading has given us a clear road map to success, but knowing where to start can feel overwhelming.
October is Dyslexia Awareness Month, a time devoted to educating others, advocating for change, and celebrating the approximately one in five individuals whose brains are wired differently.
Take a moment to consider how much your interactions with the world around you involve print.
The first week of October is celebrated each year as Dyslexia Awareness Week. It is a time for educators to share what we’ve learned about dyslexia as well as dive into how differentiated, systematically designed, and explicitly delivered instruction helps ALL students, including those with dyslexia, achieve literacy success.
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